students playing sports

The Head’s reflections on the week

Posted: 12th January 2024

students reading together

St Christopher’s started the new year with an inspiring speech from our Head of School for Lent Term, Christopher in 8R. In his speech, Christopher explained that giving a speech in Assembly, in front of a big audience, took him well outside his comfort zone. Nonetheless, he encouraged everyone to push themselves to try new things this term, even things that might make them nervous or uncomfortable because, he explained, this is how we grow and gain new skills. His message was perfect for the start of a new term and a new calendar year.

Throughout this week I have asked children how they plan to push themselves outside their comfort zones. Some said sport, others said music or performance, and many answered with an academic subject or skill. ‘I want to get better at creative writing’ was one answer and ‘Improve my equation solving skills’ was another. I also heard, ‘Memorise the physics calculations’ and ‘Improve my History essays.’ All very worthwhile goals. As ever, the growth mindset is key. The start of a new term or calendar year is an excellent opportunity to make change or set a target, but any day can be the first step on a new journey of self-improvement

This week Reception spent their first Wednesday on the main site, aka Big School. They played on the climbing frame, which is MUCH bigger than their one at Glebe Villas, they ate their lunch sitting at big tables in the Hall, and explored a number of different classrooms around the school. They played a balloon catching game in PE, and had their first Computing lesson. A definite highlight was their Year 7 Buddies being there in the morning to meet them and read with them.

A booklet copy of the Lent Term Calendar was sent home last week. The school calendar is also available on the Parent Portal. We have many exciting events coming up in this comparatively short, but action packed, term! Just next week, for example, Year 4 have a French Breakfast, Year 7 a Mindfulness workshop, Year 3 are at Forest School, Eco Club and 3S lead an Assembly each, and School Council are visiting the Mayor’s Chambers. All this on top of sports fixtures and Parents’ Evening for Year 4!

A final request from me, please. If you travel to school by car, please always park safely and legally. This is especially important when it is raining, snowing, or dark because at these times you may be tempted to double park or park just outside the school gates on the yellow zig zag lines but these are also the times when visibility is lowest. Thank you for your cooperation.

Ms Elizabeth Lyle, Head

Categories: Head's Reflections
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