It is a busy time of the year for festivals and celebrations. In the past few weeks, we have seen Sukkot, Halloween, Bonfire Night, All Saints Day, Samhain, and Diwali. Coming up shortly are Bodhi Day, the birthday of Guru Nanak, and the start of Advent. Assemblies across the school this week have explored lots of these different festivals, looking at the events they celebrate and the people who celebrate them.
Autumn celebrations are clearly part of the human psyche; as the days get shorter and the weather gets colder, a time of light and colour with family and friends becomes more welcome than ever. Although festivals often have their roots in distinct religious traditions, in a multicultural society like ours they become occasions when people of all faiths and none can learn about each other and share in the joy, stories, and often foods, that these events bring with them.
Sometimes, events in our social calendar come adrift from their true meanings. We have been helping the children to look at the origins of the events we celebrate where the “What?” and “When?” are very familiar, but the “Why?” is not always so clear. Children across the school have been surprised to learn that there is far more to Halloween than Haribo sweets, with its origins in both pagan and Christian ritual. Year 6 have been exploring the dark times in British history that gave rise to the Gunpowder Plot; why Guy Fawkes Night perhaps ought to be known as Robert Catesby Night; and discussed why we could easily use the word “terrorism” to describe the conspirators’ plan.
The first Drama productions of the new school year will soon be upon us, with the Nativities to follow before the end of term. We start the theatrical year in style, with Year 5 performing their version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream next Wednesday at The Old Market in Hove, as part of the Shakespeare Schools Festival. I hope to see many of you there.
Ms Elizabeth Lyle, Head